- Guided mode analysis of optical waveguide
- Guided mode analysis of photonic crystal waveguide
- Beam propagation analysis of photonic circuit
- Analysis of optical waveguide discontinuity problem
- Time domain analysis of optical pulse in photonic circuit
- Bidirectional eigenmode propagation analysis
- Scattering analysis of optical grating
- Analysis of optical soliton in optical fiber
Laboratory Objectives
Research : Invent some original things.
Education : Educate student to be required in the world
Other : Work by myself and keep beutiful thing

- Adaptive mesh generation for finite element analysis
- Generation on finite elemennt mesh from SEM image
- Arbitrary oblique perfectly matched layer
- Finite element analysis not requiring eigen mode expansion
- Absolute single polarization photonic crystal fiber
- Optical isolator based on Magnetooptic Photonic crystal
- 2017/09/08
- The acadmic paper by Z. Zhang was accepted in Journal of Optical Society of America, B (IF = 1.843).
- 2017/09/01
- Dr. Z. Zhang was introduced in Message from professor in Kanagawa University.
- 2017/08/07
- S. Kawamura is awarded as the Excellent Student in Muroran Institute of Technology.
- 2017/07/28
- K. Satoh recieved the Professor N. Satoh memorial international activity incentive award for the presentation in PIERS2017.
- 2017/7/20,21
- T. Tanaka and K. Mori presented his research in IEICE Conference on Light wave & Electromagnetic Wave Workshop.
- 2017/5/19
- K. Morimoto presented his research in IEICE Conference on Electronics Simulation Technology.
- 2017/05/06
- The acadmic paper by Z. Zhong was accepted in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (IF = 1.945)
- 2017/3/25
- A. Iguchi, S. Kawai, and K. Satoh presented their research in IEICE general conference.
- 2017/03/23
- A. Iguuchi is awarded as the Excellent Student in Muroran Institute of Technology
- 2017/03/23
- A. Iguchi recieved the academic incentive award from IEICE Hokkaido.
- 2017/03/23
- Z. Zhong recieved the academic incentive award from IEICE Hokkaido.
- 2017/03/11
- K. Morimoto cecieved the Excellent Presentation award in IEICE Hokkaido Internet Symposium
- 2017/03/11
- S. Kawai cecieved the Excellent Presentation award in IEICE Hokkaido Internet Symposium.
- 2017/3/1-7
- J. Nishimoto, S. Kawai, K. Satoh, T. Tanaka, K. Mori, T. Moritani, K. Morimoto, and R. Nagasawa presented their research in IEICE Hokkaido Internet Symposium.
- 2017/01/21
- The academic paper by H. Chida was accepted in IEICE transaction on electronics in Japanese.
- 2017/01/20
- The academic paper by J. Nishimoto was accepted in IEICE transaction on electronics in Japanese.