Development of Temperature - Viscosity Controlled Journal Bearings
- T. KAZAMA, N. TANIMURA, Y. NARITA, and N. HANAJIMA: Vibration Suppression of a Journal Bearing Using Temperature Control: A Preliminary Experiment, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology,Vol. 65 (2016.3),31/34.
- [Abstract] A prototype of a circular hydrodynamic journal bearing to control temperature distributions of the bearing bush and the oil film was manufactured, with a preliminary experiment subsequently conducted to evaluate the extent of vibration suppression within the bearing. The specifications of the bearing were as follows: a bearing diameter of 50 mm, a bearing length of 50 mm, and a radial clearance of 0.025 mm. The bearing bush was divided into six parts, and five Peltier devices were installed for cooling and heating each part. The parameters of the experiment were as follows: a load up to 100 N, a rotational speed up to 35 rps, and a lubricating oil of ISO VG22. When the lower half of the bearing bush was cooled and the upper half was heated, the vibration was suppressed under a specific operating condition.
- T. Kazama: Improving the Static Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Bearings Using the Viscosity-Temperature Relations of Lubricants, Mechanical Engineering Letters Vol. 2 (2016) 15-00699.
- [Abstract] The possibility of improving the static characteristics of hydrodynamic bearings using the inverse viscosity-temperature relations of liquid lubricants is theoretically examined. A simplified model that comprises the Reynolds equation with a change in the mean oil viscosity across the film as a function of temperature and that is based on the thermal lubrication theory is applied. The solutions are numerically obtained for linear sliding bearings, tapered land bearings, and cosine pad bearings, wherein the temperature distributions are given as known values and the viscosity distributions are determined beforehand. The bearing geometry and temperature profiles are selected as parameters. When the temperature in the converged region close to the minimum clearance is low, the fluid pressure becomes larger; thus, the friction coefficient becomes smaller, whereas the leakage flow rate changes slightly. This behavior may contribute to improving the static characteristics of hydrodynamic bearings.
- 風間俊治,谷村直紀,成田幸仁,花島直彦:温度制御による真円ジャーナル軸受の振動抑制に関する検証実験,日本設計工学会 2015年度秋季研究発表講演会,E09,(2015), 179/180.
- 谷村直紀,風間俊治,成田幸仁,花島直彦:温度粘度制御によるジャーナル軸受の振動抑制試行実験,日本機械学会北海道支部第53回講演概要集 (2014),121/122.
- T. Kazama, K. Saito, Y. Narita, N. Hanajima: Basic Characteristics of Viscosity-Controlled Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings, Extended Abstract of MIER2013 Joint Symposium on Mechanical - Industrial Engineering, and Robotics 2013 (MIER2013), 37.
- 風間俊治・齋藤圭佑・成田幸仁・花島直彦:粘度制御式ジャーナル軸受の開発(検証実験と数値計算との比較),トライボロジー会議2013春 東京 予稿集.
- 齋藤圭佑,風間俊治,成田幸仁,粘度制御式ジャーナル軸受の開発(2分割断熱材組込軸受による検証実験),トライボロジー会議 2012秋北海道室蘭 予稿集.
- [概要] ジャーナル軸受の摩耗や焼付きを回避するために,軸受しゅう動面の形状ではなく,潤滑油の温度を制御して理想的な粘度を発現させることにより,軸受すきまを適切に維持する考案を実験的に検証している.本報では,軸受ブシュを分割加工して断熱材を挟み込んだ軸受を試作し,軸受特性を測定した結果を述べる.
- K. Saito, T. Kazama, and Y. Narita, Development of a Viscosity-Controlled Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing, Proceedings of MIER2012, Joint Symposium on Mechanical - Industrial Engineering, and Robotics 2012, 26.
- [Abstract] A prototype of hydrodynamic journal bearings based on the viscosity?temperature relation of lubricating oils was designed and manufactured. The possibility of enhanced bearing performance by cooling the bearing-bush is examined experimentally.
- 齋藤圭佑,風間俊治,成田幸仁:粘度制御式ジャーナル軸受の開発(試作と予備実験),日本機械学会北海道支部第50回講演会講演概要集,No.112-2 (2011),121/122.
- [概要] ジャーナルすべり軸受は,高速回転軸を有する多くの機械をはじめ,工業分野で幅広く用いられている.そのような軸受の摩擦損失の低減や摩耗耗,焼付きの回避などには, 潤滑状態を左右する軸受すきまを適切に維持し,制御する必要がある.潤滑状態を左右する第一因子は,粘度である.本研究では,油膜内部の温度分布を能動的に与えて,任意の運転状態における最適な油膜粘度分布を発現させることで,軸受の最適制御の可能性を実験的に探る.
The works were partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 22560132 and 25420079.
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