
Lab mission


Our laboratory is engaged in the research and development of methods for analyzing data from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for disaster monitoring and infrastructure monitoring. In particular, we are performing the societal implementation of  both “space and ground” SAR domains. The main activities in our lab are as follows. Through these societal implementations, we develop algorithms to enhance measurement accuracy and efficiency.

  • 衛星SARによるインドネシア熱帯泥炭地計測 / Tropical peatland monitoring in Indonesia by spaceborne SAR
  • 衛星SARによるインフラ計測 / Infrastructure monitoring by spaceborne SAR
  • 衛星SARによる地滑り計測 / Landslide monitoring by spaceborne SAR
  • 地上設置型SARによる地滑り計測 / Landslide monitoring by ground-based SAR
  • 地上設置型SARによるインフラ計測 / Infrastructure monitoring by ground-based SAR
  • 地上設置型SARによる積雪計測 / Snow parameter retrieval by ground-based SAR
  • ドローン搭載SARの開発 / Development of drone-borne SAR


SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a technology that produces 2D or 3D image of the target with the radar technology. By performing time-series analysis on the obtained data, it is possible to measure surface movements (displacement) with high accuracy and in a spatially comprehensive manner. This is utilized in various fields such as infrastructure inspection, volcano monitoring, and crustal deformation.

Development and implementation of GB-SAR


Spaceborne SAR can provide wide-area observation data, but due to the limitations of satellite revisit times, the observation intervals span several days, lacking real-time capabilities and making it difficult to conduct agile observations during emergencies. Therefore, approaches utilizing SAR technology not only from satellite platforms but also from UAVs and ground sensors are being studied. Ground-based SAR (GB-SAR) is a sensing technology that obtains images by scanning an antenna over a linear rail. The GB-SAR system in our laboratory can acquire an image approximately every 10 seconds, allowing for near real-time measurement. Our laboratory conducts measurements of natural slopes and infrastructure using GB-SAR.

Video on GB-SAR measurement
Developed Circularly polarized GB-SAR


Currently, we are continuously acquiring radar images around the University campus at 5-minute intervals. We have already collected seasonal data and are investigating the effects of rainfall, snowfall, and temperature changes on GB-SAR measurements.

GB-SAR system installed at rooftop of campus building
GB-SAR image acquired by installed GB-SAR
Monitoring under snow
Snow parameter ground truth collection


In cases where no power source is available on-site, we conduct ”discontinuous observations” every few weeks. This allows for long-term measurements of landslides and other phenomena. Additionally, since areas covered with vegetation are difficult to measure, we install corner reflectors to facilitate the measurements.

Landslide measurement by GB-SAR

Corner reflector installation over vegetated area

Development and implementation of MIMO radar

レールと一体となったGB-SARシステムは機械的な移動を伴うことから一枚の画像取得に数秒程度要します。これでは対象の振動情報を取得することができません。そこで,振動計測を必要とするインフラモニタリングのため,そもそもレールを使用せずにSAR画像を取得できるMIMO(Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output)型レーダの開発・社会実装を行なっています。

The GB-SAR system integrated with rails involves mechanical movement, taking several seconds to acquire a single image. This makes it impossible to capture the vibration information of the target. Therefore, for infrastructure monitoring that requires vibration measurement, we are developing and implementing a MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) radar that can acquire SAR images without using rails.

MIMIO radar system in our laboratory

Illustration of displacement monitoring by MIMO radar


We are developing technology to diagnose internal deterioration by measuring the vibrations of social infrastructure, such as bridges, using MIMO radar.


Development of Drone-borne SAR


By mounting a radar onto a drone (UAV), it is possible to perform wide-area measurements quickly and efficiently in emergency situations. Our lab is developing drone-borne SAR systems, its imaging algorithms, and its interferometric techniques.

Drone-borne SAR flight test
Developed drone-borne SAR system