
Journal Papers

  1. Ming Tao, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong.. Foud: Integrating Fog and Cloud for 5G-Enabled V2G Networks IEEE Network, 2017.
  2. Ming Tao, Jinglong Zuo, Zhusong Liu, Aniello Castiglione, Francesco Palmieri. . Multi-layer Cloud Architectural Model and Ontology-based Security Service Framework for IoT-based Smart Homes," Future Generation Computer Systems, In press, DOI: 10.1016/j, 2016.
  3. Ming Tao, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong. Ontology-based data semantic management and application in IoT- and cloud-enabled smart homes Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 76, 2017, 528-539, 2016
  4. Ming Tao, Huaqiang Yuan, Xiaoyu Hong, Jie Zhang.. SmartHO: mobility pattern recognition assisted intelligent handoff in wireless overlay networks Soft Computing Volume 20, Issue 10, pp. 4121-4130
  5. Ming Tao, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota. Multi-objective Network Opportunistic Access for Group Mobility in Mobile Internet. IEEE Systems Journal, In PressDOI:10.1109/JSYST.2016.2569568
  6. Ming Tao, Shuqiang Huang, Yang Li, Min Yan, Yuyu Zhou. SA-PSO based Optimizing Reader Deployment in Large-scale RFID Systems Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsVol.52, pp.90-100
  7. Ming Tao, Fagui Liu, and Chao Qu . Optimizing Unsatisfactory Handover Trigger in Heterogeneous Vehicular NetworksInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks2015, 1-10
  8. Ming Tao, Huaqiang Yuan, Wenhong Wei. Active Overload Prevention based Adaptive MAP Selection in HMIPv6 NetworksWireless Networks2014, 20(2): 197-208
  9. Ming Tao, Huaqiang Yuan, Wenhong Wei, Chao Qu. Feature-Aware Cooperative Relaying for Multi-flow Wireless Sensor NetworkInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2013, 1-8
  10. Ming Tao, Huaqiang Yuan, Shoubin Dong, Hewei Yu. Initiative movement prediction assisted adaptive handover trigger scheme in fast MIPv6 Computer Communications2012, 35(11): 1272-1282
  11. Ming Tao, Dingzhu Lu, Junlong Yang. An adaptive energy-aware Multi-path routing strategy with load balance for Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Personal Communications2012, 63(4): 823-846
  12. Hewei Yu, Ming Tao*. Fast Handover in Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Based on Motion Pattern Detection of Mobile NodeWireless Personal Communications2011, 61(2): 303-321
  13. Ming Tao, Hewei Yu. A Smooth Handover Scheme for Fast-Moving Users in Mobile IPv6 NetworksWireless Personal Communications2011, 60(4): 649-664
  14. Ming Tao, Shoubin Dong, Liping Zhang. A multi-strategy collaborative prediction model for the runtime of online tasks in computing cluster/grid,Cluster Computing-The Journal of NetworksSoftware Tools and Applications 2011, 14(2):199–210

Conference Papers

  1. Ming Tao, Jiaxing Li, Jie Zhang, Xiaoyu Hong, Chao Qu. Vehicular Data Cloud Platform with 5G Support: Architecture, Services, and Challenges. IEEE CSE-EUC 2017
  2. Tao Ming, Wei Wen-Hong, Qin Yong and Yuan Hua-Qiang. Movement prediction assisted timely L2 trigger in FMIPv6. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC),IEEE2013, 2: 571--575
  3. Ming Tao, Huaqiang Yuan, Wenhong Wei, Zhixiong Li, Yong Qin.. Performance Compensation for the False Alarm of L2 Trigger in FMIPv6. The Fourth International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT) 2013, 535-540
  4. TAO Ming, YUAN Huaqiang, WEI Wenhong, LI Zhixiong, QIN Yong. Geographic Information Assisted Routing Flexibility Control in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks 32nd Chinese Control Conference(CCC)2013, 2191-2194
  5. Ming Tao, Shoubin Dong. Two-tier Policy-based Consolidation Control for Workload with Soft Deadline Constrain in Virtualized Data Center 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) 2013, 2357-2363
  6. Ming Tao, Shoubin Dong, Kejing He. A New Replication Scheduling Strategy for Grid Workflow Applications The 6th ChinaGrid Annual Conference (ChinaGrid 2011) ,74-80
  7. Ming Tao, Hewei Yu. A smooth handoff scheme based on mSCTP for speed-aware application in Mobile IPv6 2009 IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & Multimedia Technologypp. 586-591
  8. Ming Tao, Hewei Yu. An Improved Mobile IP Scheme Based on MobiCast 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing pp. 74-77

Authorized patent

  1. 陶铭; 饶森淼; 周展超. 无线物联家居系统分级网络架构及其组网通信方法 (ZL 2013 1 0745981.8.)2014.04
  2. 董守斌, 陶铭, 张凌, 董守玲. 一种在虚拟化数据中心内的计算任务及虚拟机部署方法 (ZL 2012 1 0506689.6)2012.06