Title: Empowering Music Research with AI: Advances in Automatic Music Transcription.
Title: The Effort of Muroran Institute of Technology (室蘭工業大学の取組).
Title: A Perspective Path to User-centric 6G: Customizable and Sustainable Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface System.
Title: Digital Twin and Smart Healthcare.
Title: Smart Healthcare: A Coming Medical Revolution.
Title: Future-Oriented Cross-“Border” Science and Technology Innovation (未来志向の越"境"する科学技術イノベーション).
Title: Intelligent Edge for Energy Efficient AI.
Title: Cross-disciplinary and Cross-border Education for the Future.
Title: Smart Healthcare: A Coming Medical Revolution (智慧医疗:一场正在到来的医疗革命).
Title: Deepening the Talent Cultivation and Technical Practice of Excellent Engineers in Artificial Intelligence.
Title: Special Talk Session!「The Future of AI」~The Future of Large Language Models like ChatGPT~(Special Talk Session!「人工知能の未来について」~ChatGPTのような大規模言語モデルの未来~).
Title: AI-driven Non-invasive Diagnostics for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Drone Utilization in Next Generation Disaster Relief (次世代の災害支援におけるドローン利活用の可能性).
Title: Smart Healthcare: A Medical Revolution is Coming.
Title: Joint Doctoral Talent Cultivation: Current Situation and Future Directions ~Case of Muroran-IT~.
Title: Recent Trends and Future Challenges in Medical Informatics.
Title: A Practice for BOO/DU Diagnosis Based on UFM Data Using AI (AIを用いたUFMデータによるBOO/DU診断の一考案).
Title: Introduction of Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (先端ネットワークシステムラボの紹介).
Title: Muroran-IT's Strategies for Recruiting Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER).
Title: AI in Medical Diagnosis: An Innovation in Disease Detection.
Title: Introduction of Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (先端ネットワークシステムラボの紹介).
Title: UAV-Mounted Mobile Edge Computing for Disaster Management.
Title: AI in Medical Diagnosis: An Innovation in Disease Detection.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Softwarized Low Power Long-range Emergency Communication Systems.
Title: Look up at the Starry Sky for Ambition, Stand on the Solid Ground for Research.
Title: IEEE Activities under COVID-19 Pandemic: Pros and Cons.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform (「天・地・人」次世代災害支援システム).
Title: Deepen International Exchanges and Cooperation, Create a Win-Win Future for Research and Education.
Title: Towards Post-Pandemic Era: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Softwarized Low Power Long-range Emergency Communication Systems.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Softwarized Low Power Long-range Emergency Communication Systems.
Title: Look up at the Starry Sky for Ambition, Stand on the Solid Ground for Research.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Next-Generation Disaster Response Systems for Safe and Secure Local Communities: Research & Development (安心・安全な地域社会のための災害支援システムの研究開発).
Title: Our Challenge to Achieve Next Generation Disaster Response System (次世代災害支援システムの実現に向けた私たちの挑戦).
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform (「天・地・人」次世代災害支援システム).
Title: Research and Development of Disaster-resistant Multi-UAV Emergency Communication System (耐災害マルチドローン緊急通信ネットワークの研究開発).
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: UAV-Assisted Emergency Communication for Next Generation Disaster Response.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform (天・地・人」次世代災害支援システム).
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform (「天・地・人」次世代災害支援システム).
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Emerging Topics on Next Generation Disaster Response.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: A Cyber Physical System for Next Generation Disaster Response.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Never Forget Why We Study Abroad, and Keep in Mind the Mission of Cultivating People.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform.
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: Next Generation Disaster Response Platform (「天・地・人」次世代災害支援システム).
Title: Aero, Terra, Human: A Trinitarian Information Service System for Disaster Response.
Title: Development of Basic Technologies for Terminal-to-terminal Communications and
Applications of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation without Base Station
Title: [Space, Ground and Human]-driven Information Service for Next Generation Disaster
Title: AIR: Agile, Intelligent and Reliable Information Service for Next Generation Disaster Response.
Title: AIR: Agile, Intelligent and Reliable Information Service for Next Generation Disaster Response.
Title: Deep Learning in Human Activity Recognition: From WiFi Signal to Video Data.
Title: Recent Trends in Activity Recognition.
Title: Recent Trends in Activity Recognition.
Title: Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence.
Title: Human-Like Driving: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Human-Like Driving: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Human-Like Driving: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Human-Like Driving: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Human-Like Driving: Empirical Decision-Making System for Autonomous Vehicles.
Title: Control Latency Optimization and Fault Tolerance in SDN-Enabled Wireless Networks.
Title: Software Defined Mobile Access Network.
Title: Information network technology.