International Student Housing Services

Muroran Institute of Technology offers three types of accommodation for international students.

International students who are admitted to Muroran Institute of Technology and plan to live in university-managed accommodation should contact the Center for International Relations.

※Students cannot choose specific accommodation facilities. Those with special needs due to religious or health reasons are advised to contact the Center.

Kokusai Koryu Kaikan (International Student House No. 1)

Common areas Kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, toilets
Room furniture Bed and table
Room type Single use
Rent, etc.

Rent: 5,900 yen/month

Utility fees: 13,900 yen/month(May – October)

                 17,000 yen/month (November – April)

Access to campus Approx. 5-min. walk

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Meitoku Dormitory

Common areasKitchen, laundry room, bathroom, toilets
Room furnitureBed and table
Room typeTwo- or three-person use
Rent, etc.

Rent: 6,500 yen/month

Utility fees: Approx. 9,500 yen/month
Access to campus Approx. 10-min. walk

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International Student dormitory 2

Room furniture

Kitchen, bathroom, toilets, Bed and table

Room type

Single use

Rent, etc.

Rent: 10,400 jpy/month

Utility fees: approx. 10,000jpy/month

Access to campus Approx. 5-min. walk

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