• MuroranIT’s International Exchange Policy

MuroranIT’s International Exchange Policy

(Established on March 16th, 2012)

In the context of the globalization of university research activities, the internationalization of both the higher education market and of the employment of university graduates, we established an international exchange policy to clarify the basic stance of Muroran Institute of Technology (MuroranIT) towards international exchange. The policy seeks to serve as a guideline for the activities of faculty, staff and policy planning at the University.

1. Basic stance
We promote international exchange in education and research in order to achieve the University’s goal of developing human potential with a broad-based education, in-depth expert knowledge as well as prioritizing communicative and practical skills to be utilized internationally. MuroranIT actively seeks to fulfill the international functions expected of a national university in accordance with its basic principles.

2. Education
We make every effort in the sphere of education to equip our students, including international students, with not only language skills, but also a wide range of qualities including positiveness and proactiveness. The University also instills an understanding of the culture of one’s own country and other countries. Additionally, faculty and staff develop high-level communication skills and contribute internationally.

3. Research
In conjunction with the international dissemination of research results, faculty members also promote academic exchanges with overseas institutions to facilitate further research and linkages. Research has a significant role as it is recognized as an essential educational strand for enhancing students’ international experience and developing their research capabilities.

4. Accepting international students
While special attention is focused on the appropriate allocation and inclusion of undergraduate, graduate, and short-term international students, we strive to attract excellent international students who will contribute to the education and research of the University. In addition, we promote the development and enhancement of the acceptance and education systems for this purpose.

5. Contribution to the community
The University contributes to the community and the region by encouraging and establishing international exchange platforms. This in turn helps to promote the international activities and education of the University itself. MuroranIT also seeks to utilize the existing exchange capabilities within the community to build stronger international connections.

6. Management
In order to promote the aforementioned international exchange, we develop and maintain educational programs, facilities and learning environments, public relations and overseas networks, administrative and risk management systems, and the budgetary measures necessary for these preceding elements with a long-term perspective.

(Additional note)
International exchange refers to all exchange activities undertaken by our faculty, staff, and students with institutions and people from overseas that are involved in education and research. It also includes international dissemination of research results, academic exchanges in education and research, acceptance and education of various international students, exchanges with overseas institutions and people involved in the international education of our students, and international activities of administrative staff.