開講学期/Course Start | 2025年度/Academic Year 前期/First |
開講曜限/Class period | 火/Tue 1 , 火/Tue 2 |
授業区分/Regular or Intensive | 週間授業 |
対象学科/Department | 全専攻 |
対象学年/Year | 1年 , 2年 |
授業科目区分/Category | 博士前期課程 大学院副専修科目 |
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective | 選択 |
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar | 演習科目 |
授業科目名/Course Title | 英語ライティング演習/Academic English Writing |
単位数/Number of Credits | 1 |
担当教員名/Lecturer | 三村 竜之 (学部) |
時間割コード/Registration Code | SQ102 |
連絡先/Contact | 三村 竜之(m76tatsu[at]muroran-it.ac.jp) |
オフィスアワー/Office hours |
三村 竜之(要相談; 事前にメール等でアポイントメントを取ること。 アポイントメント無しでの来室には一切応じない。) |
実務経験/Work experience |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2025/02/13 |
授業のねらい /Learning Objectives |
This class aims to improve basic skills in paragraph writing focusing on scientific English. |
到達度目標 /Outcomes Measured By: |
1. To understand the grammatical and lexical characteristics of scientific papers. 2. To understand the structure of scientific papers. 3. To be able to practice paragraph writing on a given topic. |
授業計画 /Course Schedule |
Total hours: 22.5 【Course Description】 The aim of this course is to enable students to write short English texts in a comprehensive and thoroughly consistent manner. To achieve this goal, students will be required to practice critical thinking with several sorts of texts in simple English and to do basic grammar exercises in order to develop their writing skills. Writing tasks will be assigned to students almost every class. The final assessment will be based on: i) the results of the assignments, and ii) a paragraph and/or an abstract writing to be assigned at the end of the term. 【Course Plan/Schedule】 Week 1: A road map for the course. Week 2: On scientific and academic texts Week 3: Introduction to paragraphs #1: Paragraph and its importance Week 4: Introduction to paragraphs #2: Pre-writing Week 5: Constructing paragraphs #1: Making a good topic sentence Week 6: Constructing paragraphs #2 Making good supporting sentences Week 7: Constructing paragraphs #3: Making a good concluding sentence Week 8: Cohesion strategies Week 9: Comparison/contrasting paragraph, Editing Week 10: Problem-solution paragraph Week 11: Cause-and-effect paragraph Week 12: Abstract paragraph Week 13 Editing and Proofing Week 14 From paragraphs to essays Week 15: Final Assessment |
教科書 /Required Text |
No textbooks. |
参考書等 /Required Materials |
Dictionaries. |
教科書・参考書に関する備考 |
No textbook required. Written materials (handouts) are given in each class. Be reminded that you bring dictionaries with every class. |
成績評価方法 /Grading Guidelines |
・Homework/Assignments: 50% ・Final assignments (Paragraph Writing/Abstract Writing): 50% NB: A grade of more than 60 is accepted for a credit. The goals 1--3 noted above are also evaluated by homework and/or assignments. |
履修上の注意 /Notices |
*NB: Pre-registration is necessary; an announcement will be both on the bulletin board and on the Moodle course page「英語授業関連情報2025(仮)」 on Moodle2023. |
教員メッセージ /Message from Lecturer |
傍観者として授業に出席してはいけない。そのような者は大学院で学ぶ資格はない。 各人が当事者であることを十分に自覚して、目的意識と問題意識を持って授業に参加すること。 居眠りや私語等を行う者は容赦なく教室から出させる。 |
学習・教育目標との対応 /Learning and Educational Policy |
JABEE(a)地球的視点から多面的に物事を考える能力とその素養に対応する。 An ability of multidimensional thinking with knowledge from global perspective. |
備考 /Notes |
This class will be conducted mostly in Japanese. |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
該当するデータはありません |
Active learning 1-1 /主体的学修(反転授業,小テスト,振り返り 等) |
Grammar and writing exercises will be assigned almost every week. |
Active learning 1-2 /上記項目に係るALの度合い |
50%超 |
Active learning 2-1 /対話的学修(グループ学習,協働,調査体験 等) |
Peer-reviewng. |
Active learning 2-2 /上記項目に係るALの度合い |
15%~50% |
Active learning 3-1 /深い学修(複数科目の知識の総合化や問題解決型学修 等) |
Not Applicable |
Active learning 3-2 /上記項目に係るALの度合い |
該当なし |