授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2025年度/Academic Year   前期/First
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 1 , 木/Thu 2 , 木/Thu 3 , 木/Thu 4
授業区分/Regular or Intensive 週間授業
対象学年/Year 1年 , 2年
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar 講義科目
授業科目名/Course Title 信号処理特論/Advanced Signal Processing
単位数/Number of Credits 2
担当教員名/Lecturer 永野 宏治 (システム理化学科数理情報システムコース)
時間割コード/Registration Code MR306
連絡先/Contact 永野 宏治(46-5420
オフィスアワー/Office hours 永野 宏治(火曜日17:00-18:00)
実務経験/Work experience
更新日/Date of renewal 2025/02/10
/Learning Objectives
In this course, I will introduce the fundamental ideas of signal and system analysis.
Applications of these ideas include not only the sensing system, but  also audio and image processing, communications, control theories etc. The course includes basic properties of signals and systems, systems in the time domain and frequency domain. In addition, the practices of signal analysis using the measurement signal of sound or opened data in the internet are included as a group project work.
/Outcomes Measured By:
By the end of this course, you should have an understanding of the mathematics of signals in continuous and discrete time, linear time invariant systems and convolution, Fourier transforms and spectrum analysis, and how these tools are used in real applications.
/Course Schedule
We study this class in 22 and half hours.
The proposed schedule below is a guideline only and subject to change.
1 Guidance (Overview of Signal Processing)
2 Significant digits and a rule of technical communication

3  Measurement of  air temperature in Japan
4 Measurement of air temperature in Japan

5 FFT programing to estimate power spectrum
6 FFT programing to estimate power spectrum
7 FFT programing to estimate power spectrum

8 Power spectrum analysis of  sound of instruments
9 Power spectrum analysis of sound of instruments
10 Power spectrum analysis of sound of instruments
11 Power spectrum analysis of  sound of instruments
12 Power spectrum analysis of  sound of instruments

13 Group Discussion and Report Preparation
14 Group Discussion and Report Preparation

15 Project Presentation

You should prepare presentation by yourself.
You should study in eight hours to prepare for the class in each week.

The course schedule might be modified because of corona virus.
/Required Text
Signals and systems Hwei P. Hsu McGraw-Hill Education 2014(ISBN:71829466)
/Required Materials
信号処理とフーリエ変換 永野宏治著 朝倉書店 2014(ISBN:4254221592)
Digital signal processing Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer Prentice-Hall 1975(ISBN:132146355)
/Grading Guidelines
Presentation: 100%
To pass the course, more than 60% is required.

This Grading Guidelines might be modified because of corona virus.
Students are required to come to class on time, and not to miss any classes. If you have to miss class due to emergency or illness, then you must notify the instructor directly and in advance.
In this course, students will form groups of 3-4 members and complete a project applying the concepts they have learned in the class. Groups will write a project report and present their projects at the final class.
/Message from Lecturer
Before attending the lectures, read the text and handouts. After each class, make sure that you have learned. Use the campus resources; library, office hour, other students.
Homework assignments are due on specific date, and no late homework is accepted.
/Learning and Educational Policy
Educational policy of the division of Information and Electronic Engineering (Computer Systemics Course and Computational Intelligence Course) is 1) cultivating the specialized ability in fundamental information engineering and in various core computer systems based on information science and mathematical science, 2) to foster communication skills, teamwork and ethical considerations, 3) nurture human resources with core technology to maintain and upgrade information society. The learning objectives are close related to the educational policy of 1) and 2).
/Related course
Linear Systems, Instrumentation Engineering and Digital Signal Processing of undergraduate course.
Each class will be done in English.

The content of this course is the fundamental Informatics and Systemics. The course is supported by Mathematical and Data Science Education Program of Muroran Institute of Technology. DS point=2
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
Active learning 1-1
/主体的学修(反転授業,小テスト,振り返り 等)
Active learning 1-2
Active learning 2-1
/対話的学修(グループ学習,協働,調査体験 等)
Active learning 2-2
Active learning 3-1
/深い学修(複数科目の知識の総合化や問題解決型学修 等)
Active learning 3-2