開講学期/Course Start | 2025年度/Academic Year 前期/First |
開講曜限/Class period | 木/Thu 1 , 木/Thu 2 |
授業区分/Regular or Intensive | 週間授業 |
対象学科/Department | 環境創生工学系専攻化学生物工学コース |
対象学年/Year | 1年 , 2年 |
授業科目区分/Category | 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目 |
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective | 必修 |
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar | 講義科目 |
授業科目名/Course Title | 化学生物と情報/Computer and Information Technology for Chemical and Biological Engineering |
単位数/Number of Credits | 2 |
担当教員名/Lecturer | 山中 真也 (システム理化学科化学生物システムコース) |
時間割コード/Registration Code | MR108 |
連絡先/Contact |
山中 真也(教員室番号: H307 Tel: 46-5747 E-mail: syama(at)muroran-it.ac.jp) |
オフィスアワー/Office hours | 山中 真也(金曜日 10:30-11:30, 16:30-17:30) |
実務経験/Work experience |
更新日/Date of renewal | 2025/01/14 |
授業のねらい /Learning Objectives |
From automobile to rice cooker, our life is now supported by microcomputers. Modern laboratory tools also utilize microcomputers for sensing, controlling and giving warning or alerts when microcomputers receive unusual signals. Because most laboratory instruments don't open program driving microcomputers, it is impossible to fix or improve laboratory machines if we needs. However, if we know a little about the principle of microcomputer and can compile short programs, we may fix aged instruments. Moreover, if we know more about microcomputer, sensors, and actuators, we will utilize them for chemical studies. The objective of the class is to know, to touch, to operate microcomputer with some basic training kits provided for each student. Three projects will give you more knowledge about microcomputer and give some hacks for your intelligent laboratory work. |
到達度目標 /Outcomes Measured By: |
1 to know the use of microcomputer in life 2 to obtain the knowledge to use microcomputer 3 to know how to obtain information from sensors / to manipulate with actuators 4 to obtain basic programming for microcomputers 5 to obtain the basic ideas for laboratory automation |
授業計画 /Course Schedule |
1 overview of microcomputer 2 communication between microcomputer and PC via serial bus 3 extension tools for microcomputers 4 analog input/output 5 digital input/output 6 I2C communication bus 7 computation 1 comparator 8 computation 2 signal processing 9 wave function and driving stepper 10 Project 1: programming for temperature control 11 Project 2: assembling a spectrophotometer 12 Project 3: control switches via bluetooth serial *10-12 classes continue for 6 weeks. 22.5 hours entirely |
教科書・参考書に関する備考 | So many information on internet. They are more useful than read outdated books. |
成績評価方法 /Grading Guidelines |
For 2 credits, students have to complete entire small and long projects. |
履修上の注意 /Notices |
A half part of the class will be provided through Video learning system. Join the class and then use provided microcomputers with your own or laboratory computers. |
教員メッセージ /Message from Lecturer |
Details of the class can be changed within terms because it is a new class in 2023. |
学習・教育目標との対応 /Learning and Educational Policy |
NA |
関連科目 /Related course |
NA |
備考 /Notes |
NA |
No. | 回(日時) /Time (date and time) |
主題と位置付け(担当) /Subjects and instructor's position |
学習方法と内容 /Methods and contents |
備考 /Notes |
該当するデータはありません |