授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2024年度/Academic Year   後期/Second
開講曜限/Class period 月/Mon 3 , 月/Mon 4
授業区分/Regular or Intensive 週間授業
対象学年/Year 1年 , 2年
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar 講義科目
授業科目名/Course Title 材料科学特論E/Advanced Materials Science E
単位数/Number of Credits 1
担当教員名/Lecturer 澤口 直哉 (システム理化学科物理物質システムコース)
時間割コード/Registration Code MS227
連絡先/Contact 澤口 直哉(Y607 / 0143-46-5673 / nasawa(at mark)muroran-it.ac.jp)
オフィスアワー/Office hours 澤口 直哉(金曜日 10:25-11:55 (後期))
実務経験/Work experience
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/14
/Learning Objectives
The structure of solid surfaces varies from material to material and, also depends on the fabrication process of materials. Therefore, the knowledge of solid surfaces is not as systematic as that of crystals. However, all we usually touch are "surfaces" of something, and solid surfaces have unique properties because they have atomic structures different from those of the bulk. In some cases, the properties of solid surfaces are more important than those of the bulk, so knowledge of solid surfaces is important. In this lecture, the atomic structure of solid surfaces, which has already been investigated at the atomic level, will be introduced, as well as the structure of solid interfaces.
/Outcomes Measured By:
1)  固体表面の代表的な構造について説明できるようになる。
2)  表面構造の表現方法について説明できるようになる。
1) To be able to describe typical structures of solid surfaces.
2) To be able to explain how to describe surface structures.
/Course Schedule
総授業時間数(実時間): 12 時間
第1回 ガイダンス
第2回 固体表面の基本構造
第3回 表面構造の表現
第4回 表面緩和と表面再構成
第5回 固体表面の実在構造
第6回 表面吸着
第7回 粒界
第8回 総括

Total class hours (actual hours): 12 hours
1st Guidance
2nd Basic atomic structure of solid surfaces
3rd Representation of surface structure
4th Surface relaxation and surface reconstruction
5th Real structure of solid surfaces
6th Surface Adsorption
7th Grain boundary
8th Concluding Remarks

For each 90 minute class, students are expected to undertake an additional 4 hours of self study.
教科書・参考書に関する備考 教科書の指定はない。資料を配付する。

No textbook is specified. Materials will be distributed.
/Grading Guidelines

Grades will be determined by evaluating the report, which will be notified by the 8th session, on a 100-point scale. A person's grade shall be 60 points or higher to pass the course.
1) 授業の予定変更や緊急の連絡などは授業中に通知するか、Moodleを用いて通知する。
2) 研究活動が理由でやむなく欠席する場合は、極力事前に担当者へ連絡すること。
3) 不合格になった場合は再履修が必要である。
1) If there is a change in class schedule or an emergency, we will notify you in class or via Moodle.
2) If you have to be absent due to research activities, please contact the person in charge as far in advance as possible.
3) If you fail the course, you must take this course again.
/Learning and Educational Policy
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
Active learning 1-1
/主体的学修(反転授業,小テスト,振り返り 等)
Active learning 1-2
Active learning 2-1
/対話的学修(グループ学習,協働,調査体験 等)
Active learning 2-2
Active learning 3-1
/深い学修(複数科目の知識の総合化や問題解決型学修 等)
Active learning 3-2