授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2024年度/Academic Year   前期/First
開講曜限/Class period 水/Wed 7 , 水/Wed 8
授業区分/Regular or Intensive 週間授業
対象学年/Year 1年 , 2年
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar 講義科目
授業科目名/Course Title 表面分析科学/Surface Analysis
単位数/Number of Credits 1
担当教員名/Lecturer 亀川 厚則 (システム理化学科物理物質システムコース)
時間割コード/Registration Code MR228
連絡先/Contact 亀川 厚則(X204 / 0143-46-5642 / kamegawa@muroran-it.ac.jp)
オフィスアワー/Office hours 亀川 厚則(水曜日 / 13:00 – 15:00 / 予めメール連絡ください。)
実務経験/Work experience
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/03/21
/Learning Objectives
Surface analysis methods — such as scanning electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and electron beam probe microanalysis —is a method for analyzing the composition and structure of the surface of a solid, and is an important technology in science and technology such as material science and materials engineering, and in various industries such as the semiconductor industry. The surface analysis method is a method of detecting and analyzing signals such as electrons, light, and ions generated by the interaction of electron beams, X-rays, ion beams, etc. irradiated onto the solid surface with the solid surface to estimate the composition and structure of the surface. Scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy, which analyze the atomic arrangement on the surface by observing signals obtained from the interaction of a solid surface with a probe, are also in the category of surface analysis.In order to understand surface analysis methods, it is necessary to understand the fundamental interactions between electrons, X-rays, ions, probes, and solid surfaces, and how they are applied to each surface analysis method.
/Outcomes Measured By:
1. 表面分析の原理と装置の種類を理解する。
2. 分析機器に必要な真空環境について理解する。
3. 固体表面に関する必要な情報を得るのに適した方法を選択することができる。
1. Learning the principles of surface analysis and types of equipment.
2. Learning the vacuum environment required for surface analysis.
3. To acquire the knowledge to choose suitable methods to obtain the necessary information about solid surfaces
/Course Schedule
第1回 ガイダンス、代表的な表面分析法の基礎
第2回 真空技術の基礎
第3回 電子と固体の相互作用を利用した表面分析法1
第4回 電子と固体の相互作用を利用した表面分析法3
第5回 電子と固体の相互作用を利用した表面分析法3
第6回 X線と固体の相互作用を利用した表面分析法
第7回 イオンと固体の相互作用を利用した表面分析法
第8回 探針の変位を利用した表面分析法


Total hours 12 hrs.
1. Guidance and Introduction of surface analysis methods.
2. Introduction to vacuum technology.
3. Surface analysis method using interaction between electrons and solid state materials, #1.
4. Surface analysis method using interaction between electrons and solid state materials, #2.
5. Surface analysis method using interaction between electrons and solid state materials, #3.
6. Surface analysis method using interaction between X-rays and solid state materials.
7. Surface analysis method using interaction between ion beams and solid state materials.
8. Surface analysis method using tip displacement

For each 90 minute class, students are expected to undertake an additional 4 hours of self study.
教科書・参考書に関する備考 教科書の指定はない。参考書は随時紹介する。
No textbook is specified. Reference books will be introduced as needed.
/Grading Guidelines
課題および総合レポートにより評価する。 100点で評価し, 60点以上の者を合格とす る。不合格の場合は再履修してください。

The score of each student is evaluated by report. A grade of more than 60 is accepted for a credit. Students who fail the class in this year need to retake it in the next year.
/Learning and Educational Policy
Lecture in Japanese.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
Active learning 1-1
/主体的学修(反転授業,小テスト,振り返り 等)
Active learning 1-2
Active learning 2-1
/対話的学修(グループ学習,協働,調査体験 等)
Active learning 2-2
Active learning 3-1
/深い学修(複数科目の知識の総合化や問題解決型学修 等)
Active learning 3-2