授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2024年度/Academic Year   前期/First
開講曜限/Class period 火/Tue 3 , 火/Tue 4
授業区分/Regular or Intensive 週間授業
対象学科/Department 博士前期課程環境創生工学系専攻/Master's Course, Division of Sustainable and Environmental Engineering
対象学年/Year 1年 , 2年
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar 講義科目
授業科目名/Course Title 応用水理学特論/Advanced Hydraulics
単位数/Number of Credits 2
担当教員名/Lecturer 中津川 誠 (創造工学科建築土木工学コース)
時間割コード/Registration Code MR117
連絡先/Contact 中津川 誠(D310
オフィスアワー/Office hours 中津川 誠(月曜 12:00-12:30
火曜 12:00-12:30)
実務経験/Work experience 中津川 誠(国立研究開発法人と国土交通省の河川事務所において調査・計画・設計・施工・維持管理業務に携わった在職経験を有する)
更新日/Date of renewal 2024/02/10
/Learning Objectives
1. 流れの基礎方程式(Euler式,Navier-Stokes式),  2. 河川の水理現象の理論と計算, 3. 河床変動の理論と計算, 4. 水質変化の理論と計算
The aim of this class is to deal with the following issues:
Basic equation of flow (Euler equation and Navier-Stokes equation), theory and calculation methods of river hydraulics, riverbed deformation and change of water quality.
/Outcomes Measured By:
1. 河川や海の流れを支配する基礎方程式の本質を理解する.
2. 実際の河川における水理現象とその計算手法を理解する.
3. 実際の河川における土砂輸送現象および河床変動とそれらの計算手法を理解する.
4. 実際の河川における水質の拡散現象とその計算手法を理解する.
The aim of achievment is:
1. to understand the basic equations governing flows of river and sea,
2. to understand the hydraulics in actual rivers and its calculation method,
3. to understand the sediment transport and riverbed deformation in actual rivers and its calculation method,
4. to understand the water quality diffusion in actual rivers and its calculation method.
/Course Schedule
1. 流れの基礎方程式(1);連続式,Euler式
2. 流れの基礎方程式(2);Navier-Stokes式
3. 流れの基礎方程式(3);Reynolds式
4. 河川水理計算(1);不等流計算(理論)
5. 河川水理計算(2);不等流計算(プログラミング)
6. 河川水理計算(3);不等流計算(計算法)
7. 河川水理計算(4);不等流計算(理論・計算法)
8. 河川水理計算(5);不定流計算掃流力, 流砂量
9. 河床変動計算(1);理論
10. 河床変動計算(2);計算法(掃流砂による河床変動)
11. 河床変動計算(3);計算法(浮遊砂による河床変動)
12. 水質拡散(1);拡散方程式の導出
13. 水質拡散(2);拡散方程式の解析解
14. 水質拡散(3);拡散方程式の数値解
15  水理・土砂・水質に関わる現象分析のまとめ


Prof. Nakatsugawa's lecture is scheduled as follows,
1. Basic equation of flow(1): Continuity equation and Euler equation
2. Basic equation of flow(2): Navier-Stokes equation
3. Basic equation of flow(3): Reynolds equation
4. Calculation for river flow(1): Theory of non-uniform flow,
5. Calculation for river flow(2): Programing
6. Calculation for river flow(3): Calculation method of non-uniform flow
7. Calculation for river flow(4): Theory and calculation method of unsteady flow
8. Calculation for riverbed deformation(1): Tractive force and  sediment load
9. Calculation for riverbed deformation(2): Theory
10. Calculation for riverbed deformation(3): Calculation method for riverbed change due to bedload sediment
11.  Calculation for riverbed deformation(4): Calculation method for river bed change due to suspended sediment
12. Water quality diffusion (1); Derivation of diffusion equation
13. Water quality diffusion (2); Analytical solution of diffusion equation
14. Water quality diffusion (3); Numerical solution of diffusion equation
15 Summary of analysis of phenomena related to river hydraulics, sediment transport, and water quality

Participate in the lecture after reading the contents designated in the previous lecture.
Review the distributed materials carefully after the lecture.
As a guideline for study time, 4 hours are needed before and after each lecture.
教科書・参考書に関する備考 ・北海道開発局土木試験所「現場のための水理学」

''Hydraulics for Practical Field'' issued by the Civil Engineering Research Institute, Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau. The above publication and related calculation program are available for download from {https://river.ceri.go.jp/newpage/05_tool/suirigaku.html}.
Other copy documents will be distributed as needed.
/Grading Guidelines
Performance will be evaluated by submission of reports.
Taking ''Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering'', ''River Engineering'', ''Coastal and Marine Engineering'' and ''Harbor Engineering'' in the undergraduate is desirable.
/Message from Lecturer
Rivers and sea induce severe natural disaster due to enormous force, but they give a blessing and also are used in various ways. Try on understanding the hydraulics governing dynamics of rivers and sea, to aim for the safety of rivers and sea coast with large scale and diversity, and to extract its worth.
/Learning and Educational Policy
(1)精深な専門的知識 / (1) Professional knowledge
/Related course
Knowledge of this class will be applied to ''Advanced River and Coastal Engineering''.
Japanese language is mainly used for this lecture, however, reference materials, writing on blackboard, and oral presentation in English are provided briefly.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents
Active learning 1-1
/主体的学修(反転授業,小テスト,振り返り 等)
Active learning 1-2
Active learning 2-1
/対話的学修(グループ学習,協働,調査体験 等)
Active learning 2-2
Active learning 3-1
/深い学修(複数科目の知識の総合化や問題解決型学修 等)
コンピュータを使った対話型の演習を行うことによって、建設コンサルタントの仕事に必要な実践的な計算力を身に付けることを目指す。By practicing interactive exercises using computers, objective is to acquire practical computing skills required for a construction consultant work.
Active learning 3-2