授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2017年度/Academic Year  前期/First 第2クォーター/2nd Quarter
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 3,木/Thu 4
授業区分/Regular or Intensive Weekly / 週間授業
対象学科/Department 全てのコース/For all courses
対象学年/Year 1年,2年/Freshpersons and senior persons
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期自専攻科目およびマテリアル系統科目群/Materials and other courses
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択/elective
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar 講義/lecture
授業科目名/Course Title マテリアル界面制御学/Materials surface and interface engineering
単位数/Number of Credits 1.0
担当教員名/Lecturer 佐伯 功(機械航空創造系学科材料工学コース)/Saeki Isao
時間割コード/Registration Code MQ247
連絡先/Contact 佐伯 功(K-709
オフィスアワー/Office hours 佐伯 功(金曜10:30-12:00
AM10.30-12 on Friday)
更新日/Date of renewal 2017/03/07
/Learning Objectives
Surface of materials interacts with environment. Integrity of the surface is the most important for materials in service: For example, corrosion can determine  the lifetime of the materials. In this lecture, interaction between material surface and environment would be introduced. Physics and chemistry that  govern the interaction are also introduced. Finally ideas to develop surface modification and surface analysis will be introduced.
/Outcomes Measured By:
1 Recognize surface phenomenon.
2 Recognize principles defining physical and chemical properties of surfaces.
3 Recognize surface modification methods.
4 Recognize surface analysis methods.
/Course Schedule
0 Study plan and evaluation of this term
1 Surface phenomena 1 Electronic properties
2 Surface phenomena 2 Physical properties
3 Surface phenomena 3 Chemical properties
4 Surface modification by dry processing
5 Surface modification by wet processing
6 Surface observation
7 Surface analysis
/Grading Guidelines
Students are requested to answer queries given in the class. Average score in each query reaches 60%, the students get 2 credits.
1 This lecture is opened for the students who are not so quit familiar with chemistry and/or materials science.
2 Further information on this lecture would be announced thorough MOODLE e-learning system provided by this university. All the student is required to be MOODLE user. URL of the system is shown below.
(Sorry, the link is Japanese only. Miserable!)
/Learning and Educational Policy
This subject is a part of MATERIAL terms.
Language used in this class is English.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents