授業情報/Course information

開講学期/Course Start 2017年度/Academic Year  前期/First
開講曜限/Class period 木/Thu 5,木/Thu 6
授業区分/Regular or Intensive 週間授業
対象学年/Year 1年,2年
授業科目区分/Category 博士前期課程 大学院自専攻科目
必修・選択/Mandatory or Elective 選択
授業方法/Lecture or Seminar  
授業科目名/Course Title 鋼構造学特論
単位数/Number of Credits 2.0
担当教員名/Lecturer 小室雅人(建築社会基盤系学科土木工学コース)
時間割コード/Registration Code MP120
オフィスアワー/Office hours
更新日/Date of renewal 2017/02/17
/Learning Objectives
Structural Steel is one of the most popular materials for construction of buildings, bridges and other structures. This class aims to present the finite element method for structural analysis, to investigate the accuracy and convergence characteristics of various finite elements, to consider modelling strategies for improved accuracy and efficiency, and to encourage the use of finite element software for advanced structural analysis.
/Outcomes Measured By:
On success fully completing this course unit, students will be able to:
1. Understand the general characteristics of finite element approximation;
2. Apply finite element software to typical structural analysis problems;
3. Use finite element analysis software.
/Course Schedule
No. 1: Intoroduction and how to use the commercial program.
No. 2: Practice 1 / Plane strain problem (1)
No. 3: Practice 1 / Plane strain problem (2)
No. 4: Practice 2a / Elastic buckling problem (1)
No. 5: Practice 2a / Elastic buckling problem (2)
No. 6: Practice 2b / Elasto-plastic buckling problem (1)
No. 7: Practice 2b / Elasto-plastic buckling problem (2)
No. 8: Practice 3 / Stress concentration problem (1)
No. 9: Practice 3 / Stress concentration problem (2)
No. 10: Practice 4 / Structural analysis (1)
No. 11: Practice 4 / Structural analysis (2)
No. 12: Practice 4 / Structural analysis (3)
No. 13: Practice 4 / Structural analysis (4)
No. 14: Excursion
No. 15: Review
/Required Materials
A first course in finite elements Jacob Fish, Ted Belytschko John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2007(ISBN:9780470035801)
教科書・参考書に関する備考 Handouts (if necessary)
/Grading Guidelines
The score of each student is evaluated by report. A grade more than 60 is accepted for a credit.
Basic knowledge of strength of materials is required.
/Learning and Educational Policy
This subject will be taught in Japanese and partially in English.
No. 回(日時)
/Time (date and time)
/Subjects and instructor's position
/Methods and contents