開講学期 Course Start |
2011年度 前期 |
授業区分 Regular or Intensive |
週間授業 |
対象学科 Department |
全専攻 |
対象学年 Year |
1 |
必修・選択 Mandatory or Elective |
選択 |
授業方法 Lecture or Seminar |
演習 |
授業科目名 Course Title |
英語プレゼンテーション (ジョンソン) |
単位数 Number of Credits |
2 |
担当教員 Lecturer |
ジョンソン ポール マイケル |
教員室番号 Office |
N258-1(グレイブ) N251 (ゲイナー)N361 (ジョンソン)N563 (ハグリー) |
連絡先(Tel) Telephone |
46-5841(グレイブ) 46-5843 (ゲイナー) 46-5840 (ジョンソン) 46-5835 (ハグリー) |
連絡先(E-mail) |
ewagrave@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp(グレイブ) bgaynor@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp (ゲイナー) murotech@gmail.com (ジョンソン) hagley@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp (ハグリー) |
オフィスアワー Office Hour |
月曜日 15:00-17:00 (グレイブ) 月曜日14:00~15:30, 水曜日15:00~16:00 (ゲイナー) 水曜日 1:00-2:00 (ジョンソン) 月曜日 12'55-14-25 (ハグリー) |
授業のねらい Learning Objectives |
This course aims to give the students the vocabulary and expressions needed to give a successful presentation in English. Coursework will include examples of presentations and various listening and speaking activities which enable students to learn and practice specific expressions and structures. The course will also cover presenting techniques, body language, visuals and audience interaction. By the end of the course students will be able to deliver a professional presentation on a subject of their choosing which will be used in assessing the student's final grade. |
到達度目標 Outcomes Measured By: |
Students will become familiar with different types of presentations and ways to communicate effectively in a public setting.(グレイブ) Students will learn the presenting skills and strategies necessary to research and work with international colleagues. (ゲイナー) Students will develop and practice a variety of presentation techniques for academic and professional settings. (ジョンソン) Students will learn about presentation styles and techniques and practice a variety of these to ensure they are prepared for presentations they will have in the future. (ハグリー) |
授業計画 Course Schedule |
グレイブ担当クラス Unit 1: Good Speeches, Good Speakers - Identifying Purpose Unit 2: Introduce Yourself Unit 3: Someone You Should Know - Introducing Others Unit 4: Have You Ever Been There? - Talking About Places Unit 5: How to Make a Spectacular Dish - Process Unit 6: Let Me Tell You What Happened - Talking about Past Unit 7: In the World Today - Current Events Unit 8: Cause & Consequence - Explaining Causes of Problems Unit 9: What Dreams May Come - Future Plans Unit 10: For Example - Comparison & Contrast Unit 11: Make a Stand, Hold Your Ground - Persuading Unit 12: Solving Problems Unit 13: Lies & Statistics - Statistical & Visual Support Unit 14: Picture This - Presenting a Position Unit 15: In Conclusion - Evaluating Information ゲイナー担当分 Unit 1: Positioning Unit 2: Numbering and Counting Unit 3: Measuring Presentation Practice 1 Unit 4: Cause and Effect Unit 5: Comparing and Contrasting Unit 6: Defining Presentation Practice 2 Unit 7: Instructing Unit 8: Describing Unit 9: Explaining Presentation Practice 3 Unit 10: Recording and Reporting Unit 11: Stating Possibility Unit 12: Graphics Final Presentation ジョンソン担当分 Week 1: Introductory class: Presentation Basics Week 2: Unit 2: Visuals Week 3 Unit 2: Visuals, Mini Presentation 1 Week 4: Unit 3: Introductions Week 5: Unit 3: Lead-in questions, Mini Presentation 2 Week 6: Unit 4: Audience participation Week 7: Unit 4: Audience participation, Mini Presentation 3 Week 8: Unit 5: Voice, giving opinions Week 9: Unit 5: Mini Presentation 4 Week 10: Unit 6: Leading group discussions Week 11: Unit 6: Mini Presentation 5 Week 12: Final Presentation: topic selection, brainstorming, outlining, planning visuals Week 13: Final Presentation preparation cont. Week 14: Final presentations Week 15: Final presentations ハグリー担当分 Week 1: Introductory class: Good presentations Week 2: Positioning Week 3 Numbering & counting Week 4: Measuring Week 5: Cause and effect Week 6: Comparing and contrasting Week 7: Defining Week 8: Instructing Week 9: Describing Week 10: Explaining Week 11: Recording and reporting Week 12: Stating possibility Week 13: Graphical language Week 14: Final presentations Week 15: Final presentations |
教科書 Required Text |
Presenting Science - 2nd Edition; MacMillan Language House .( グレイブ) Presenting Science - 2nd Edition; MacMillan Language House (ゲイナー) Present Yourself 2: Viewpoints; Cambridge University Press (ジョンソン) Presenting Science, MacMillan Language House (ハグリー) |
参考書 Required Materials |
Dictionaries allowed.(グレイブ) 英語辞書(紙でも電子でも可)を必ず持参すること。辞書は例文や語法も参照できるものであること. (ゲイナー) |
教科書・参考書に関する備考 | |
成績評価方法 Grading Guidelines |
Evaluation based on five different speeches worth 20% each.(グレイブ) 受業でのプレゼンテーション発表60%、 学期末プレゼンテーション発表40% 100点満点中60点以上を合格とする。(ゲイナー) Students will be assessed on a combination of in-class mini presentations (50%), and a final major presentation (50%). 受業でのプレゼンテーション発表 50%、 学期末プレゼンテーション発表50%. (ジョンソン) 受業でのプレゼンテーション発表60%、 学期末プレゼンテーション発表40% 100点満点中60点以上を合格とする。(ハグリー) |
履修上の注意 Please Note |
欠席は理由の如何にかかわらず3回までしか認めない。4回以上欠席の者は、再履修しなければならない。 |
教員メッセージ Message from Lecturer |
ゲイナー担当分 1.遅刻はしないこと。出席をとった後の入室は遅刻とみなす。 2.原則として、授業開始後の途中退室は認めない。許可なく退室した者は、欠席とみなす。 3.出席した以上、授業に参加することの意思表明をしたことになるので、積極的・協力的な姿勢で学習に臨んでもらいたい。 |
学習・教育目標との対応 Learning and Educational Policy |
JABEE基準(1)(f)の「国際的に通用するコミュニケーション基礎能力」、及び学習・教育目標E「自分の意見を論理的に整理し、他者に説明する能力」に対応している。 |
関連科目 Associated Courses |
To assist in the student's professional development and future careers as Engineers in both Japan and overseas. |
備考 Remarks |