開講学期 Course Start |
2010年度 前期 |
授業区分 Regular or Intensive |
週間授業 |
対象学科 Department |
機械創造系専攻 |
対象学年 Year |
2 |
必修・選択 Mondatory or Elective |
選択 |
授業方法 Lecture or Seminar |
ゼミナール |
授業科目名 Course Title |
材料界面制御学特論 |
単位数 Number of Credits |
2 |
担当教員 Lecturer |
佐伯功 |
教員室番号 Office |
K505 |
連絡先(Tel) Telephone |
0143-46-5634 |
連絡先(E-mail) |
isaos@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp |
オフィスアワー Office Hour |
Thursday 1.000-2.30 pm |
授業のねらい Learning Objectives |
Most commercial metals are used in oxygen rich, moist atmosphere and the surface degradation of materials is common. To prevent it will be achieved by modifying the material bulk property by addition of other elements or by coating material surface with gas-tight and durable substances. In this class material corrosion and protection based on chemistry, electrochemistry, and surface science will be introduced. Finally each student may be required a presentation on at least one their own idea to develop new surface coating or surface coated materials. |
到達度目標 Outcomes Measured By: |
1 Recognize corrosion based issue 2 Recognize the importance of corrosion study 3 Recognize the importance of surface coating 4 To present student idea to improve surface properties. |
授業計画 Course Schedule |
1 Overview: study plan, corrosion cost, other topics 2 Basic chemistry, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics 3 Corrosion science 4 Principle of surface coating to prevent surface corrosion 5 Modern method to prevent metallic corrosion 6 Project to invent novel corrosion protection idea 7 Presentation |
教科書 Required Text |
John M. West, “Basic Corrosion and Oxidation” ISBN 0-85312-196-6 |
参考書 Required Materials |
教科書・参考書に関する備考 | All will be announced in the class. |
成績評価方法 Grading Guidelines |
Reports or presentation achievement will be included in evaluation. At least “fair” (more than 60 percent of) is required to obtain 2 credits. |
履修上の注意 Please Note |
Contact to Saeki before registration, else all the registration will be rejected. |
教員メッセージ Message from Lecturer |
The official language in the class will be ENGLISH or JAPANESE |
学習・教育目標との対応 Learning and Educational Policy |
関連科目 Associated Courses |
備考 Remarks |