開講学期 2009年度 後期
授業区分 週間授業
対象学科 電電後半
対象学年 2
必修・選択 選択
授業方法 演習
授業科目名 英語コミュ二ケーション演習T (電電後半)
単位数 2
担当教員 ハグリー・エリック・トーマス
教員室番号 Q508
連絡先(Tel) 46-5835
連絡先(E-mail) hagley@mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp
オフィスアワー 火曜日1時〜2:30 
授業のねらい This course aims at giving students the basic language and confidence required to communicate orally in a variety of everyday situations. In class students will participate in exchanges where English is used. Extensive listening exercises will also be incorporated. 
到達度目標 1. Establish confidence and basic competence in communicating in English.

2. To gain practical experience using English appropriately in a variety of situations.

3. To gain greater cultural competence in using English.
授業計画 Week 1 Introduction to the course plus greetings and common phrases used in the classroom.
Week 2 My country: Extensive use of the verb to be, use of adjectives to describe places, cities, and landscapes.
Week 3 A day in my life: Extensive use of the present tense to describe daily activities. Vocabulary includes commonly used verbs and adverbs. Extension to use in the business world.
Week 4 My place: Use of prepositions to describe where things are in relation to other things. Vocabulary includes common nouns that are related to the home and the office.
Week 5 Project 1: Students will design a multi cultural home. They will hopefully do this by interacting with students from other countries. They will need to use the language they have learnt to date to do so.
Week 6 Project 1: con't.
Week 7 Which do you prefer?: Use of comparisons and contrasts to determine preferences.
Week 8 Delicious!: Use of countable and non countable nouns to talk about food. Adjectives to describe food and restaurants. Ordering in a restaurant.
Week 9 What happened?: Use of the past tense to talk about events that occurred previously. Irregular verbs and question structure understanding required.
Week 10 What can I do around here?: Use of can to describe activities and abilities. Tag questions.
Week 11 Rules and regulations: Use of have to for stating rules and regulations. Cultural rules will also be examined.
Week 12 Experience: Use of the present perfect to talk about experiences - both life and work.
Week 13 Gadgets for all: Using numbers to describe specifications. Giving directions / instructions on how to use machines.
Week 14 Review.
Week 15 Final exam.  
教科書 None (教科書・参考書に関する備考を参考しなさい。)
教科書・参考書に関する備考 There is no text for this course but extensive use of the online materials found at {http://oee.fnd.muroran-it.ac.jp} will be required.
成績評価方法 定期試験60%(の内5割は会話の試験です)、小テスト10%・インタネット上課題20%・プロジェクト10%によって評価し、100点満点中60点以上を合格とする。
履修上の注意 最初の授業で説明します.必ず最初の授業を出席しなさい.
教員メッセージ This is an English communication class so please come to class prepared to communicate and interact with your classmates and teacher.
学習・教育目標との対応 This class corresponds with broader educational goals at this university through providing foreign language training, exposing students to cross-cultural issues, and developing students’ critical thinking skills. JABEE基準(f)の達成に寄与する。 説明能力を発展する為に自分の意見を論理的に整理し,英語で他者に説明する能力を修得する
関連科目 以前の英語科目(英語A,B,C)の内容を活躍する。英語コミュニケーションUを履修する為にこの科目が必要です。