開講年度 2007
教育課程名 博士前期課程 共通科目
授業科目番号 7
授業科目名 北アメリカ文化研究
開講曜日と時限 月曜日:14:35-16:05
教室番号 N659
開講学期 前期
単位数 2
対象学科・学年 全専攻1年
必修・選択の別 選択
授業方法 演習
担当教員 Michael Johnson (マイケル ジョンソン)
Ewa Graves (エヴア グレイヴ) 

教員室番号 Michael Johnson: N361
Ewa Graves: N258-1
連絡先(Tel) Michael Johnson: 46-5840
Ewa Graves: 46-5841

オフィスアワー Michael Johnson 水曜日: 1:00-2:30
Ewa Graves 水曜日:14:35-16:05
授業のねらい This is a content class in which we will explore various aspects of Canadian and American culture through movies, music,printed materials,and other media. The class will be instructed by two teachers (Michael Johnson: first 10 weeks, and Ewa Graves: final 5 weeks).
到達度目標 1. Overall improvement in English competence.
2. Increased awareness of the cultural similarities and differences between Canada and the United States.
3. Developed in-depth knowledge of a specific area of North American culture gained through independent research.
授業計画 Weekly Schedule

Week 1&2: Introduction: North American Geography & Society
Week 2-4: Social Issues: Bowling for Columbine
Week 5-7: Food Culture: Supersize Me
Week 7-9: Sports Culture: Animated Short-The Sweater
Week 9-10: Entertainment: Assignment 1

Week 11: What Constitutes a Family? - Listening to National Public Radio
Week 12: Cultural Values: Frienship - Watching an American Sitcom
Week 13: Understanding Humor - Watching an American Sitcom
Week 14: Gang Violence - Listening to National Public Radio
Week 15: Discrimination Instead of Relief - National Public Radio

教科書及び教材 Class materials will be provided by the teacher on a weekly basis.
参考書 Please bring a dictionary to class.
成績評価方法 Grades will be assessed through two written assignments: Assignment 1 (65%),and Assignment 2 (35%). These will be explained in greater detail during the first week of class.
履修上の注意 1.欠席は理由の如何にかかわらず、履修登録締切り後、2回までしか認めない。
2. 原則として、低年次履修は認めない。
教員からのメッセージ In order to achieve the objectives outlined above, it is necessary for you to participate. Please come to class prepared to interact with your teacher and classmates.
学習・教育目標との対応 This class corresponds with broader educational goals at this university through providing foreign language training, exposing students to cross-cultural issues, and developing students’ critical thinking skills.

関連科目 The study of English will benefit you in your future studies,research,and career. Use this course as a means to develop a good English base from which you can draw upon in these future endeavors.