開講年度 2006
教育課程名 昼間コース 副専門教育課程 コース別科目
授業科目番号 43
授業科目名 英会話B
開講曜日と時限 水曜日 9〜10時限(16:15〜17:45)
教室番号 N209
開講学期 前期
単位数 (2)単位
対象学科・学年 全学科4年
必修・選択の別 選択
授業方法 演習
担当教員 エヴァ・グレーブ (Ewa Grave)
教員室番号 N258-1
授業のねらい The aim of this class is continued development in students’ overall communicative competence.
授業計画 Weekly Topics:
Week 1: Introductions
Week 2: Remembering and Decisions
Week 3: Conversation Frame I and Priorities
Week 4: Encouraging and Conversation Taboos I
Week 5: Difficult Explanations and Describing the Impossible
Week 6: Conversation Frame II and Telling a Story
Week 7: Being Polite and Conversation Taboos II
Week 8: Reading Predictably and Comforting
Week 9: Conversation Frame III and Sharing Secrets
Week 10: Angry with Yourself and Conversation Taboos III
Week 11: Sharing Problems and the State of Things
Week 12: Conversation Frame IV and Being Negative
Week 13: Guessing and Compliments
Week 14: Surprise and Commitment
Weel 15: Final Exam
教科書及び教材 Ron Martinez. Conversation Lessons. Heinle.
参考書 A dictionary is optional, but it would be helpful. If you think you need a dictionary, please bring it to class.
成績評価方法 Assessment will be based on a final exam which will be administered in the final class.
履修上の注意 1.欠席は履修登録後2回までしか認めない。
教員からのメッセージ This is a conversation class, be prepared to speak English in class.
学習・教育目標との対応 <JABEEの学習・教育目標との関連>
関連科目 英会話A