開講年度 | 2006 |
教育課程名 | 昼間コース 副専門教育課程 コース別科目 |
授業科目番号 | 42 |
授業科目名 | 英会話A |
開講曜日と時限 | 水曜日5〜6時限(12:55〜14:25) |
教室番号 | N101 |
開講学期 | 後期 |
単位数 | (2)単位 |
対象学科・学年 | 全学科3年 |
必修・選択の別 | 選択 |
授業方法 | 演習 |
担当教員 | マイケル ジョンソン (Michael Johnson) |
教員室番号 | N361 |
連絡先(Tel) | 46-5840 |
連絡先(E-Mail) | |
オフィスアワー | Fri. 10:00-11:30 |
授業のねらい | The purpose of this class to provide students with an opportunity to improve their communicative competence in English through extenstive listening and speaking practice. |
到達度目標 |
1. An overall improvement in confidence and competence in communicating in English.
2. To gain practical experience using English appropriately in a wide variety of contexts. 3. To gain a greater sense of natural rhythm and intonation when speaking in English. |
授業計画 |
week 1: Introductions
week 2: Appearances and personalities week 3: Discussing free time and interests week 4: Shopping week 5: Food and drink week 6: Travel and tourism week 7: Entertainment week 8: Health and fitness week 9: Self-improvement week 10: City life week 11: Foreign customs week 12: Famous people week 13: Home sweet home week 14: Fads and trends week 15: Final Exam |
教科書及び教材 |
Title: Let’s Talk 1
Author: Leo Jones Publisher: Cambridge University Press |
参考書 |
A dictionary would be helpful, but is not required.
成績評価方法 |
This class will assessed by a single final exam.
100点満点中60点以上を合格とする。 |
履修上の注意 |
2. 原則として、低年次履修は認めない。 |
教員からのメッセージ | This is an English communication class so please come to class prepared to communicate and interact with your classmates and teacher. |
学習・教育目標との対応 |
This class corresponds with broader educational goals at this university through providing foreign language training, exposing students to cross-cultural issues, and developing students’ critical thinking skills. JABEE基準(f)の達成に寄与する。
関連科目 |
The study of English will benefit you in your future studies, research, and career. Use this course as a means to develop a good English base from which you can draw upon in these future endeavors.
その他 |