Today, there is need for the realization of an environmentally friendly society with a good balance between production and consumption activities of humans and the earth’s regeneration capacity.
Social system reforms, including new partnerships among existing industries and lifestyle changes, will become necessary in addition to the promotion of recycling and saving of resources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, effective use of unused energy and other technological innovations.
The Muroran Institute of Technology must also address these challenges by making the most of its characteristics as an education and research institute.
The Center for Rare Earths Research (Muroran Materia) will continue to play its role as a base for materials research that will bring a better future.
Environmentally friendly technological innovations that are expected to serve as measures against unstable resource supplies (creation of green innovation technologies
Creation of energy use technologies across time and space that technologically eliminate the variances of time, space, quality and quantity that exist between the industrial world as the source of unused energy and the consumer sector that can be potential users of such energy
Creation of new industries based on the above technological innovation and creation
Establishment of an international research network
Promotion of awareness-raising activities on materials research for companies, the general public, elementary, junior high and high school students and students of the Muroran Institute of Technology