Ph.D. (The University of Aizu, Japan)
M.S. (Oklahoma State University, USA)
B.S. (The University of Aizu, Japan)
I received The Young Scientists’ Award 2023 from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (令和5年度 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞).
I received
SUEMATSU-Yasuharu Award (Contribution to Academia) from
The Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers (IEICE).
I was posted on the June 2024 issue of JSTnews.
I received
Shida Rinsaburo Award (志田林三郎賞) from Information and Communications Monthly Promotion Council (情報通信月間推進協議会).
I received
Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 2023 Award.
I received the FY 2023
Hokkaido Science and Technology Incentive Award (令和5年度 北海道科学技術奨励賞).
I received IEEE Outstanding Paper Award from The 22nd lEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPABDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom/SpaCCS-2024).
I received 2022 Best Paper Award from IEEE Multiemdia.
I received The 5th Brilliant Female Researchers Award (The JST President Award) (第五回輝く女性研究者賞・科学技術振興機構理事長賞) from Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
I received 2023 Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Woman) from
IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).
I received Women Researcher Award (女性研究者賞) from The Soroptimist Japan Foundation (ソロプチミスト日本財団).
I received the The Best Paper Award of IEEE SmartCloud 2023.
I received the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Paper Award from Department of Education of Henan Province.
I received the IEEE CIS Technical Committee on Smart World 2023 Most Influential Paper Award.
I received
Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 2022 Award.
I had been named by
Clarivate Analytics in the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2022 (Cross-Field)"
I received the Certificate for 2019-2022 of service as Editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters for significant contributions made in furthering the objectives of IEEE Communications Society, 2022.
I received
Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 2021 Award.
I received Early-Career Award from
IEEE Computer Society Smart Computing Special Technical Community (SCSTC).
I had been named by
Clarivate Analytics in the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2021 (Computer Science field)"
I received
2021 Popular Academic Paper Award in Beijing from
Beijing Institute of Internet of Things.
I had been selected as a
JST PRESTO Researcher (JST さきがけ研究者)
I received
2021 IEEE Sapporo Young Professionals Best Researcher Award.
I received
KDDI Foundation Award.
I received
Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 2020 Award.
I received the
2019 Best Paper Award for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing from IEEE Computer
I had been selected in
the list of "2020 - N²Women: Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications".
I had been named by
Clarivate Analytics in the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2019 (Computer Science field)".
I received
Examination System for Teachers's Activities (ESTA) 2019 Award.
I am serving as the Reviewer of NSERC Discovery Grant.
I received the
IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Board Outstanding Young Researcher Award.
I received the
IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) 2017 Award for Excellence (Early Career
Our paper
"Game-theoretic approach to energy-efficient resource allocation in device-to-device underlay
communications" received the 2017 IET Communications Premium Award.
Our paper "Rule
Caching in SDN-Enabled Mobile Access Networks" received the Scanning the Literature column of IEEE Network.
I received the
Best Paper Award of 2016 IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference