Notice to International Students unable to come to Muroran by the start of the 2nd semester due to travel restrictions

This notice is only for international students who cannot come to Muroran by the start of the 2nd semester (October 1, 2020) due to government travel restrictions on departure from home countries and entry to Japan. Note that this does not go for international students who arrive in Muroran before October 1, 2020.


[Undergraduate and Graduate Students]

  1. The classes of the 2nd semester start on October 1, 2020, and the course registration period is from October 1 to 14.
  2. If you can attend face-to-face classes by November 18, 2020, you can register them under the permission of the faculty in charge, even after the course registration period. For details on how to register for classes, please contact the Center for International Relations. In regard to the absent period of classes, please consult with the professor in charge, as it may be substituted with reports and supplementary classes.
  3. If you come to MuroranIT on and after November 19, 2020, you will not be able to register for face-to-face classes in the 2nd semester. However, if a class is conducted online, and you attend it, then you can register it regardless of the date of entry to Japan. Intensive courses are scheduled from February 10 to February 26, 2021, but if you wish to take them, please contact the Center for International Relations.
  4. Students who can come to MuroranIT on and after November 19, 2020, due to government travel restrictions on departure from home countries and entry to Japan, and wish to take the 2nd semester off do not have to pay tuition fee for the semester concerned in case they complete an application of leave of absence by March 31, 2021. For the application form of leave of absence, please contact the Center for International Relations.


[Graduate Students]

  1. Classes at Graduate School and research supervision

– For classes offered in the 2nd semester of the 1st year of master’s course, students can take them in the 2nd semester of the 2nd year.


– DC students in the 3rd year expected to complete the course in March 2021 are allowed to take preliminary and public examinations through online platform.


For document submission or any inquiries, please contact the Center for International Relations at