Presidential Message: Implementation of experiment/practice-based classes after the full lifting of COVID-19 State of Emergency (Revised as of May 11, 2020)

To MuroranIT students,


Following the declaration of state of emergency over the growing spread of COVID-19, MuroranIT has been conducting all classes via Zoom regardless of the type of class since April 22. Notice below may change depending on pandemic level of severity, but I would like you to pay a close attention to the following decisions at this stage:


All lecture-based classes in the first semester will be offered online through Zoom.


-For experiment/practice-based classes which are currently implemented in the platform of distance learning, they will be expected to change to face-to-face ones on campus from June 22, with utmost effort to avoid confined spaces, crowded places, and close contact, since the states of emergency by the Japanese government and Hokkaido prefecture are extended to the end of May.


Some changes in the academic calendar of the first semester

June 18 (Thu.): classes on Tuesday will be offered.

June 19 (Fri.): classes on Wednesday will be offered.

July 23 (Thu.): classes on Thursday will be offered as previously scheduled.

July 24 (Fri.): classes on Friday will be offered as previously scheduled.


-In order to minimize the risk of infection during the experiment/practice-based classes on campus, students should stay in Muroran with a self-observation on their health condition and body temperature for two weeks, on and after June 7, before the start of experiments/practice-based classes in the university. Students should not go outside unless necessary or urgent.


Students who are attending online classes from areas outside Hokkaido under a state of emergency by central and/or local authorities will be asked to take special online experiment/practice-based classes (supplementary classes may also be required). After the complete lifting of the state of emergency and travel restrictions, they should come to Muroran immediately, stay home for two weeks with a self-observation on health condition and body temperature, and then attend face-to-face experiment/practice-based classes on campus.


KUGA Yoshikazu


Muroran Institute of Technology


  • If two states of emergency for Hokkaido are lifted on June 1, face-to-face experiment/practice-based classes on campus will start on June 22. So, stay in Muroran on and after June 7.