Documents submission by postal mail

Dear new and enrolled students in MuroranIT,


We are seriously concerned about COVID-19 now. Our university stops face-to-face
student services at the counter in Student Support Center as well as International Center. While the Centers stop the services, we would like you to use postal mail if you have the documents to submit, especially the followings.

* Notification Letter of JASSO Scholarship Candidate (日本学生支援機構奨学金採用候補者決定通知書)
* Application for JASSO Scholarship after enrollment (日本学生支援機構奨学金在学採用)
* Application for tuition exemption (令和2年度前期授業料免除)

For more information about tuition exemption, please click below.

[International Students] About tuition exemption (令和2年度前期授業料免除申請の方法について)


Thank you for your cooperation.


April 14th, 2020.

Student Support Center (Gakusei Shien-kakari)


TEL: 0143-46-5129
International Center (Ryugakusei-kakari)
TEL: 0143-46-5888